Terms & Conditions

- Exchange or Return within 14 days without violating official laws.

- Refunds should follow payment conditions, and at the same payment route to the same client with Time consideration.

- All sales, returns, and transactions should not violate any official laws.

- Payments for overseas orders should be done in advance. And following the same official laws.

- Overseas return orders initiates after goods
receiving and checking. the refunds will be given back to the customer after cutting customs, services, and taxes.

- Comsolife website has the right to change or cancel any order after contacting the customer.

- Sales and Returns for Medicines, Supplements, and vitamins follow Ministery of Health rules No. 2/2012, 3/2013.

- Disclaimer:

While Cosmolife Website strives to ensure the accuracy of the images and our information, there may sometimes be changes by manufacturers to the appearance of the product pending an update on our website.